Monday, December 19, 2011

Church Children's Christmas Program

As you can see, we have a LOT of children at our church!  Joshua and Ella are here in the front and you can see Isaiah's head at the top right of the photo.  The kids sang songs about baby Jesus and about sharing the love of Jesus with others.  It also included a song where they got to "jump for joy".  Joshua walked up and down the 2 stairs the entire time.  (he doesn't talk, so I thought it was pretty good for him to stay up there the whole time!)  Ella sang a little bit, but I had to fight back tears watching my Isaiah sing.  With joy, and enjoyment.  He HATES singing.  To him, it's embarrassing.  I didn't think he would sing at all.  The kids had a "rehearsal" the day before and none of them sang.  After we left the rehearsal, Andy and I decided to use a little bribery.  We offered treats if they participated in the program.  Then on the way to church and the program, I told Isaiah "you don't have to sing like all the other kids, you can just sing like Isaih would sing."  And he did.  I was so proud of him.  I think it was a lesson to him that things like this can be fun.  And it was definately a lesson for me that I can't expect him (and my other kids) to be like all the other kids.  I need to be proud of them for being THEM.
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